About The City's Visual Identity and brand

The City of Calgary brand

We are trusted and dependable, a valued provider of public service.
We take pride in providing quality service to citizens, day in and day out, while remaining resilient through good times and bad. Our warm and friendly character is well-suited to a city that welcomes many new faces every year. We are accessible and inclusive, valuing diverse perspectives.

A common purpose guides all our choices and decisions  — to make life better every day. We anticipate the future and are committed to fostering a culture of innovation, creativity and best practices. We are at our best when we take responsibility for our actions and work together for the benefit of the people of Calgary. Together we make Calgary a great place to make a living, a great place to make a life.

We express our values and purpose to citizens by communicating with them in a consistent and accessible way. We build and maintain trust and loyalty with a strong and recognizable brand.

The City of Calgary Visual Identity

We want to give our audiences (citizens, businesses, visitors and customers) the information that matters most to them, in a simple, clear and direct way. We can help them find this information by generating brand recognition with consistent visual identity elements: visual identifiers, colour, typography, grid systems, imagery and icons.

Our brand allows us to speak as ‘One City’ with ‘One Voice’ without competing against ourselves for brand recognition.

A single look and feel for the Corporation makes it easier for citizens to recognize services and programs provided by The City of Calgary, allowing them to see the value they receive for their tax dollars.

Visual Identity policy and governance

The Corporation has a collective responsibility to represent our brand in a consistent and appropriate way. Customer Service & Communications (CSC) supports the Corporation by ensuring the unique visual identifiers that comprise The City’s visual identity are used appropriately. This oversight creates consistency in the application of corporate symbols and ensures the legal protection afforded to these elements.

The importance of a brand and visual identity

Ultimately, we do not make our brand. Our brand is impacted by our reputation. It’s how our customers and citizens feel about us as an organization. The strength and reliability of our services, communications and interactions with citizens and customers all contribute to our brand.

We can influence the way our brand is perceived through design,  naming, marketing strategy, advertising, public relations, market research, customer feedback and more.

One way we can maintain our high level of credibility and integrity is to visually identify our organization in a consistent manner. Consistent use of our visual guidelines ensures that The City is accurately portrayed as trusted and dependable, a valued provider of public service.