
Perceivable principle

This principle speaks to the need for web content to be made available to all the senses such as sight, hearing and/or touch. It involves:

  • providing text and/or auditory alternatives for non-text content allowing it to be changed into other forms i.e. large print, Braille, speech, symbols or simpler language
  • preserving information and relationships that are implied by visual or auditory formatting when the presentation format changes
  • ensuring that the reading and navigation order are the same regardless of screen size, screen orientation (portrait/landscape), assistive technology, etc.
  • making sure that the instructions do not rely on any auditory (beeping) or visual queues (shape, size, location e.g. click the square icon to continue) only
  • making it easier for users to see and hear content including but not limited to:
    • effective colour contrast
    • responsive images and text
    • mechanisms to stop, pause, mute and adjust volume

Applicable criterions