Stationery and templates

Standardized templates have been created for a variety of regularly used items to keep all City correspondence in line with Visual Identity standards. Consistent formatting on City communication materials reinforces a positive, professional and recognizable image for The City.

Microsoft Office templates

These templates have been created to adhere to the existing usage guidelines related to Visual Identifier placement, clear space, font, colours and alignment. Users should not attempt to change or remove these elements in the templates (including the Visual Identifier, footer and other design functions).

Download templates files and user guides

Access all corporate branded templates files and related user guides in the City template library.

Corporate branded templates are available for:

  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Corporate reports (horizontal and vertical formats available)
  • Fax cover letter (colour and black & white formats available)
  • Letterhead blank (basic header and footer only)
  • Letterhead with letter form fields
  • Memos (colour and black & white formats available)

Business cards

Standardized business card designs have been created that align with City of Calgary Visual Identity standards. Consistent formatting on City communication materials reinforces a positive, professional and recognizable image for The City.

These templates have been created to adhere to the existing usage guidelines related to Visual Identifier placement, clear space, font, colours and alignment. Users should not attempt to arrange purchase or design business cards through other channels.

Ordering business cards

Oil City Press Ltd. is currently The City’s exclusive-contract vendor for all business card printing for City employees. It is important that you purchase these services from the contracted vendor to ensure that The City complies with contract terms and conditions.

  1. Create a new account with Oil City Press Ltd
  2. Order business cards from Oil City Press Ltd. (corporate procurement credit card required to place order).

For more details see Business cards and forms.


There are two types of partnership treatments for The City of Calgary Visual Identifier – The City as the primary partner or as an equal partner. When The City is the primary partner the identifier remains top left bleeding off the top edge with sponsor logos removed from it. When the City is an equal partner the identifier can appear beside the other sponsor logos and does not need to bleed off of the top edge.

When placing the visual identifier next to a partner logo always ensure that you use the minimum clearspace as a buffer. One unit of clear space is calculated by creating a square with a width and height equal to the vertical measurement from the top of the letter “l” to the bottom of the letter “g” in the Calgary wordmark.

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